Erasmus+ KA210 Knowledge and protection of the sea and the maritime space
"Rester, c'est exister.
Voyager, c'est vivre"
Lycée Kerraoul Paimpol - France
IES Els Evols - L'Alcudia - Spain
ITE Pietro Martini - Cagliari - Sardaigne
First lyceum of Giannitsa - Thessalonique - Grèce
Erasmus+ KA210 - Maritime Space - Create and share your videos with Clipchamp
Watch videos made with Clipchamp, the best video maker for everyone.
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Third mobility in Greece !

15/01/2023 --- 21/01/2023
Our friends are marvellous and we are more than welcome !

Day 1

Students from the four countries presented their work in order to start the week !
They wanted to show how our different countries and regions are acting positively on climate issues and attitudes of protection

Discovery of Giannitsa in the afternoon

Tme Schedule